Tuesday 17 May 2011

'The time has come', the Walrus said, 'to talk of many things' ..

Despite the disappointing response to last week's plea for reader feedback (apart from Izzy and Nay - thank you), here I am to blog again just to show you I am above sulking.

I've had a varied week craft-wise and here are some of the results ..
The knitted swan you've seen before on my masthead but I put him in because I thought he looked pretty.  The velour covered hat box was a car boot find this week and I've added the crochet flowers to perk it up a bit. They are very basic Irish crochet motifs done in silks which I've had tucked away for some years and bring out every time something looks as though it needs some adornment.

The mirror is an early plastic and was very plain so I've added some flowers.  I hate to see a blank space that can be filled - just you ask Northern Man about his views on all the stuff I have around the house!

As you can see from the close up, the stroke work is a bit shoddy and slapdash, but I think that probably gives it a more 'vintage' feel.  Can I hear sarcastic laughter and comments about the quality of my painting?  No?  Good.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I have just found your blog and I am so impressed by your painting and knitting (crocheting?) The birds are gorgeous and your painting is perfectly vintage! Do you ever sell your things?
