Saturday 20 August 2011

Garlands and gables .....

Northern Man and I had a few days in Amsterdam this week.  RRs must think that we do nothing but travel and we certainly do seem to have been away a lot this year.  At Christmas 2010 Northern Man took two weeks off thinking lots of golf, gym, visiting the holy city of Newcastle to see the Toon play, maybe fitting in some time with the family if that could be managed.  And then disaster struck!  The country was snow-bound for a week and, to compound his misery, we all came down with the 'flu that felled so many strong men and women last Christmas.  So, of course, he was very bored and he relieved this by planning as many breaks as he could get in during 2011.   I have been the lucky beneficiary of his efforts and it is still only August! 

Amsterdam, as we all know, is a very bike-friendly city.  There are thousands of them being riden and even more attached to bike racks, railings and lamp posts.  Many of them are derelict and haven't been riden for years but others are carefully looked after, loved and garlanded with flowers ....

Then there was wildlife ....

Lots of lovely gables ....

Splendid shopping including these wonderful crocheted dogs ...

and this one ....

We had a day trip to Haarlem where I found these knitted beauties covering the ubiquitious bollards outside one shop ....

All very enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky you, I love Amsterdam! sadly have not been there in years. Lizzie
