Friday 17 June 2011

In the pink ....

So I've come to the end of my second week of walking to work and I have to say that I feel good.  Not good in the I've-saved-lots-of-petrol-and-used-up-calories-good, but really healthy good.  Who'd have thought it?  Not that it's made any difference to my weight; my aft is looking a little leaner but my amidships and fo'c'sle are unchanged.  To mix my metaphors, I am still not so much apple shaped as orchard shaped.

I'm extra impressed with myself for walking because of the change in the weather.  When I was thinking about this in March and April, the weather was dry but there hasn't been a day in the last two weeks when I haven't taken my umbrella with me and quite often had to use it.  The British weather knows that Wimbledon is almost upon us!

On to crafting - pink this week.  I was interested at the response to my post with the felt daffodils which prompted a lot of traffic through google images.  There must be many of you out there who want to sew felt flowers so I thought I'd show you some more, also a pattern from my Dryad leaflet.

This pattern for freesia-type flowers is actually the one I used for the centre petals of the daffodils.


  1. Hi I just love your seagull! I neeeed one! Did you use a pattern or design it yourself?


  2. Hi Nicola,
    Glad you like the gull. He is one of my own designs and, at the moment, the pattern is not available. Sorry to disappoint you and hope you can find an alternative pattern.

  3. Hi,
    Thanks for the prompt reply. Would it be possible to buy one from you in that case? Mail order or I live in the London area if you go to craft fairs etc around the south of England.


  4. Hi Nicola,
    I'm sorry, but I am using the summer to finish all the half-done projects I have sitting around the house. Perhaps a stuffed toy seagull (see would do the trick?
    Best wishes
