Yesterday was a sewing sort of day. I searched out some old patterns my mother used to use 40-odd years ago to make little somethings as gifts for friends. One of the books I found was Felt Toys by E. Mochrie and I. P. Roseaman.
This contains a pattern for a felt mouse which looked simple enough for a wet Saturday afternoon.
Here's what happened ..
Their whiskers look a little unkempt, I think. There's a link to this pattern here: free felt mouse pattern
Then I thought 'what about a rabbit?' so I blunted the nose a little, added ears and a pom pom tail and here he is ...
And that is what I did on a wet February Saturday afternoon.
You just got yourself another follower due to the book at the top of this page! I was googling it to see if I could get a copy anywhere (it’s how I learned to sew) and fell upon your delightful blog. I’ve been reading lots of your archived posts and found I’d lost an hour of blogging time :) Please have a look here and you’ll see why I got excited about this particular post of yours. You’ve done a lot more crafty posts than me, as I have another blog which gets more attention, but I will try to remedy that in the future. I’ll pop back and leave some comments on your older posts too when I get a minute. It’s fun this blogging lark isn’t it, but I do agree, it’s so much nicer when you don’t feel as though you are talking to yourself. Just one comment can lift the spirits.
ReplyDeleteI have just bought that book at a book sale and was about to get started when I saw this. The modifications for the rabbit are awesome!