Sunday, 28 April 2013

It's good to be car booting again .....

Yesterday was The Vintage Bazaar in Hartley Wintney. There were wonderful things on sale and it was a challenge to remember that I was there to sell and not to buy. The next one at this venue is 21st September so put this date in your diaries!

Next weekend, on 5th May, it's Shepton Flea Market which was a good excuse (as if one were needed) to go booting today .....
The most wonderful thing about it is that you never know what you're going to find .....

... and you never find the same thing twice .....
Here we have a potential St George and his dragons.  I am puzzled why anyone would go to such trouble to create this wonderful figure and then not give him a face.  An idea for an episode of Dr Who perhaps?

Sunday, 21 April 2013

To Bee or not to Bee ...

Tuesday is the final of the BBC's Great British Sewing Bee.  I am already in my mourning weeds and hoping that sewing, like cooking, is about to become a minor national obsession.

I can forsee an epidemic of programmes dedicated to the needle and its art:  Come Tack With Me; Masterstitcher; The Great British Dressmaker.  Celebrity judges will appear and choose the contestants whom they want to go onto the live shows on the basis of blind top-stitching competitions.  There will be live auditions in front of a studio audience to find the sewer with the cross-stitch factor.  There will be books, dvds, magazines! 

On Saturday 27th April The Vintage Bazaar is once again in Hartley Wintney and I have been busy painting the unprepared items I found hibernating at the back of the garage.  But I also found time for some knitting and believe that I have created what the world has been waiting for - a knitted cherub!

I have to say that they are not completely anatomically correct, but they do have tummy buttons and bottoms ....

Friday, 12 April 2013

"You are old, Father William," the young man said, "And your hair has become very white; And yet you incessantly stand on your head – Do you think, at your age, it is right?

I have just renewed my car insurance - with Saga.  I have only one thing to say to that .....

"In my youth," Father William replied to his son,
"I feared it might injure the brain;
But, now that I'm perfectly sure I have none,
Why, I do it again and again."

"You are old," said the youth, "as I mentioned before,
And have grown most uncommonly fat;
Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door --
Pray, what is the reason for that?"

"In my youth," said the sage, as he shook his grey locks,
"I kept all my limbs very supple
By the use of this ointment -- one shilling a box --
Allow me to sell you a couple?"

"You are old," said the youth, "and your jaws are too weak
For anything tougher than suet;
Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak --
Pray, how did you manage to do it?"

"In my youth," said his father, "I took to the law,
And argued each case with my wife;
And the muscular strength, which it gave to my jaw,
Has lasted the rest of my life."

"You are old," said the youth, "one would hardly suppose
That your eye was as steady as ever;
Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose --
What made you so awfully clever?"

"I have answered three questions, and that is enough,"
Said his father. "Don't give yourself airs!
Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?
Be off, or I'll kick you down stairs."

Lewis Carroll