Saturday 30 June 2012

One swallow does not a summer make ....

Any one flicking through the pages of the July edition of Country Living while waiting in the queue at Waitrose, cannot have failed to notice the number of swallows (or swifts, or house martins) it contains.  So I decided to knit one.  Here it is ... looks rather like it wearing jodpurs but it was the best I could do ....

Some weeks ago I bought this box.  It's marquetry floral decoration was missing from the top so I painted on some flowers to replace it. 

 The real reason I bought it is inside ....

Isn't that lovely?

At the same car boot sale I bought another item.  I happen to love it but Northern Man and Youngest Child were appalled.....

It's all done in the best possible taste ....


  1. That’s a lovely swallow, very lifelike.

  2. I love the swallow and I also love the ornate panel.
    I can see that it may not be to everyone's taste though :)
    I think I would probably put a chalk white wash over it and then it would be just perfect!
    Sue x

    1. Hi Sue,
      Thank you for your kind comments.
      Glad you like the swallow - nice to know other people don't think I'm completely crazy!
      Best wishes,
